
Posts Tagged ‘faith’

Another bright idea about reality… Humor me!

I’m going to skip the boring “what I’ve been up to since the last post” stuff about daily life. There’s enough of that floating around people’s blogs.

I checked my Fnord app, and my message from the Bermuda Triangle says “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you frantic.”

Okay enough nonsense.  Everything is reality. Even that Fnord thing. Reality is not the same as truth, and truth is only relative, but it’s important to be true to yourself. There are different facets and levels to reality. There are facts. Parts of the universe we can all agree on.  That, I’ll get more into in a moment. There are abstracts. Nonsense we make up in our imagination. And there’s the rest of the universe. I’ll get more into that, also, in a moment.

In this vast universe, there is a common ground we create in order to connect with eachother. There is, if you want to take the leap of faith and believe, a whole existence we don’t experience with our physical body. What I mean is, we are first spirits, which are just pieces of God, the spirit of the universe. Stay with me, this isn’t “new age slogan nonsense”. Spirit, being the intelligence. We are our own intelligence, but connected like fingers to a hand. We have created, and continue to create, a physical plane to express ourselves. We need a brain to process our thoughts (the left brain judges and analyzes, while the right brain receives information from our own spirit – usually thought of as our heart -, the universe, or God) Then we need a body to contain the brain, then we need a “sub-universe” for our bodies to exist in. So it makes sense if you use your sense making part of the brain, which is only meant to experience that which is made up of its own material. The body is made of waves and particles, and all we experience is whatever else is made of waves and particles. So, the part you have to believe is, there is more besides waves and particles. Do you feel like all you are is your brain? Or do you feel there is more to you, a part of you that is experiencing it all? A silent observer, your very essence. Maybe a part of you that doesn’t make sense to you yourself! That is something that is not made of waves or particles. There is a whole universe of that. The intelligence, the inner workings of it all. we see eachother like fingertips would see eachother through holes in a board. we don’t see we are connected. But we feel it if we take a moment.

Time is our way of rationing the universe to our brain in pieces we can process. In other words, time is a factor of this common ground we create. The whole universe is not governed by time. So this time, is just a way of things coming in and out of existense for us to experience. The past is no longer reality. It may still be common ground to some, because we can agree on it. But it’s no longer real because we are not experiencing it anymore. Sure there can be stuff that doesn’t exist that we can still agree on. Anyway, moving to the future, That doesn’t exist yet. There are patterns. Red, blue, red, blue, -what comes next? That is another common ground we can agree on but doesn’t exist. Until it’s there it is only a figment of our imagination. The universe is solid and unchanging. But the patterns are so complex we can barely predict anything. Maybe it’s supposed to be: red, blue, red, blue, yellow, red, blue, red, blue, yellow…

So, why do we age? Why does anything age? Sure it’s time. But how is that? It’s the amount of time we spend away from the here and now. If you’re dwelling in the past, worring about the future, trying to change something you can’t change, avoiding what’s in front of you… all that is stuff that does not exist. So you are spending time on things that do not exist. So you are deteriorating during that time. Somehow objects are that way too, but I can’t explain. I have a mylar balloon that my husband got me for Valentines day. It’s in our bedroom, and it’s still up against the ceiling. We had a rare guest who saw it, and the next day it started to sink. I took off a weight and it’s back up and has stayed up. Maybe my talking about it now will cause it to deteriorate a little more but I don’t know why.

So, the fluid that keeps us moving in the here and now, is love. Love keeps things alive. It’s really true, and we are trying to show it scientifically, but that is close to impossible, since we are required to have faith. I think you need to have faith in order to love, in order to live. Faith is required to learn, and to grow.

Well that’s it for now, I have squeezed all I can from my brain!